Friday, June 19, 2009

hehehe.. its always so nice to take leave on friday, i bet u guys know that kind of feelings when you can roll around your bed thinking how nice it is to be at home relaxing.. hahaha! awww.. got a sweet morning called, woke up and had my fav breadfast on the dinning table, after that lighted a cigarette... omg the whole process was like damn shiok. HAHA!!! Suppose to go school to study, tmr is my last paper.. but... haix. I went back and sleep again. What to do ??? too shiok already. =p
This weekend program tightness for me,

Sat 0900hr - 1230hr : Accounting 1A exam.
1230hrs onwards : Chalet preparation.
1800hrs: Back to company to gather some stuff
2100hrs: Wild wild wet link up with other committee members & start work

duno what time can go to bed ???

Sun 0830hr - 1730hr : Certis Cisco Family Day !!!
1730hr: pack up all the stuff
1830hr onwards: weicao wedding dinner @ St Regis Hotel

Very sorry Mr Ivan, i couldnt attend your birthday celebration on sat... Anyway Happy 26th birthday =)

Okay 27th this month im meeting up the rest to powerhuse as per planned. Ermm.. classmate gathering ? frens gathering ? aiyah wadever.. LOL! importantly is to have fun =)
will upload some photos to brighten up my blog.. looks so wordyyyyyyyY. yucks. hahaa! see ya!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

yes, something to share... b4 i went to sleep yest, i found out something that really makes me boiled for about half an hour. Pple who are close to me knows that i dont boil over small things but last nite i..... pissed. To my best bros and buddies, pse respect me for who i am, dont do that fugging things to hurt me. You guys may think im just throwing a fuss outta of it, i repeat myself... u guys are my best frens and u know i wun throw a fuss over this type of things unless it really get into my nerve.. you guys are never in my shoes therefore you dont understand me. Not even my best fren knows what im thinking. Treat me like a retard or kind of transparent is never what i will do to you guys next time and 4ever... anyway afterall i realized is it worth to get angry over something i forego? If my words are too harsh for you guys, im sorry. You guys are still my bestie.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I realise something eh, i have been blogging the same things over and over again. Just that the time and dates are diff.. duhz.

oh.. went powerhuse over the weekends, the pple i mix with are really all goner... they are either who smoke alot lah, drink alot lah, fight alot lah... all kinds of monkey and donkey pattern. The end result =Drunk ??? LOL! but i love them can.. this is why we are group together becos we are crazy.
The boyz that i went clubbing with are owis my best buddies, becos i believe only best buddies will take care of best buddies.. i seldom go with pple im not close with. Haaaa! act ji ki superstar rite? lol. Ok lah, next week gonna prepare for my company family day at wild wild wet. Sat evening need to check in chalet after that need to be coolie. Sunday will be a real busy day, family day rite? not for us okie.. we are working as the backend side. But one thing cool is we entitle 1.5days of leave. HEHE! worth it lah.

I kept repeating going holiday for so many times til i think i am a super nagging fark uncle.. now wad.. WHO WAN TO GO HOLIDAY ?????????? argh.

Commiting is jus like suiciding =p

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

weeeee.. really had some hectic weekends, cant reveal much thought. Haha! From projects to party, from party back to project. Now im preparing for my exam. =P i guess im going on a holiday during july when my bonus arrive. Hehe! i reckon there will be any celebration going on. Oh yah, to recall back.. something bad happened to me and that changes my life. Right now im happy to think this way and i will continue to think this way... aiyah words behind words, meaning behind meaning.

Btw Ong Aileen, when your baby is out, pse kindly ask him/her to address me as John KorKor okie. i dun wan to be an uncle so soon. You can tell him/her im a crazy kor kor. Hahahahahaaaaaaaa!

I rather be a fool for 5 mins than to remain a fool forever.. =P